Cibus Nordic real Estate AB (publ).
Nordic Trustee & Agency AB (publ), Swedish Reg. No. 556882-1879, as Agent.
Pareto Securities AB, as issuing Agent.
Eur 135,000,000 in aggregate principal amount of senior unsecured floating rate bonds due 2021.
Interest on the Bonds will be paid at a floating rate of three-month EURIBOR plus 4.50% per annum.
The Bonds will have a nominal amount of EUR 100,000 and the minimum permissible investment in the Bonds is EUR 100,000.
26 May 2021. The bond is fully redeemed 9 July 2020.
The Bonds are freely Transferable but the bondholders may be subject to purchase or transfer restrictions with regard to the Bonds, as applicable, under local laws to which a bondholder may be subject.
Pressrelease 2020-06-08: "Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB (publ) announces tender offer regarding its outstanding EUR bonds and considers issuance of new EUR bonds" / "Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB (publ) offentliggör ett frivilligt återköpserbjudande av sina utestående EUR-obligationer och avser att emittera nya EUR-obligationer"
Pressrelease 2020-06-11 "Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB (publ) issues EUR 135m bonds and announces early redemption of existing bonds and results from tender offer" /"Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB (publ) emitterar obligationer om mEUR 135 och offentliggör resultatet av återköpserbjudandet samt förtidsinlösen av befintliga obligationer"